Guidance, Positioning & ROI
This scope of service allows you a meet and confer directly (phone/zoom) with Ryan Danz, CEO of Air Concierge and co-host of HGTV’s “My House is Your House” (up to 2hr total) and you will be provided additional financial projections, including pro forma, et al, as well as insight, documentation (where necessary) and provide guidance on all of the following parts:
Evaluate your existing or potential purchase from a revenues and costs (mortgage, taxes, insurance, utilities, supplies, cleaning, maintenance, TOT, site listing fees, vacancy, eg; taking into account occupancy, ADR (average daily rate) fluctuations for seasonality, weekday vs weekends, length of stay, gap nights, MLOS rules, regulatory concerns, eg.
Evaluation of market and comparables as well as general trajectory of the area in light of Covid, post covid, travel, leisure, eg
Evaluation of your property as it pertains to unique characteristics relating to neighbors/neighborhood, utility, city/county services, ingress, egress, parking, noise, trash, eg
Evaluation of market value, cap rate, NOI, GRM, for existing or planned purchase property
A review of tax, insurance and regulatory requirements
Permitting, application, filing, timelines, eg.
Discussion of ownership structures and considerations
How to optimize your listing’s performance, including for images, descriptions, calendar, and proprietary specifics (amenities, house rules, eg)
Templates for inquiries, discounts, booking confirmations, day-after-arrivals, day-before-departures, post-stay reviews,
Guidance on how to advertise your property, including maximizing search rank keywords
Design & Staging: Guidance on design and staging for your home including updates and improvements, furnishings recommendations, vendors and third party merchants. (No discounts or trade leveraging).
Damages & Deposits: Guidance on handling damages, damage claims and deposits (time allotted for this service is 2x, and thus 30 minutes of actual time would equate to 1hr consumed of consulting time).
Cancellations: Handling cancellations, selecting cancellation policies, rebooking guidance
Guidance on Automated Dynamic Pricing + Manual price optimization; to adjust for price based on season, week day, inquiry activity, comparable home prices and calendars (separate fee structure may apply)
Guidance on maintenance, cleaning and Vendor support (sourcing, guidance on protocols, structuring costs and payments, scope of work, discounting) and generally optimizing your workflow. May also include troubleshooting and problem solving assistance as well as hiring and termination documentation requirements.
Insurance; guidance on effectuating the proper insurance policy for your business / rental home
Additional support as needed on a case by case basis as determined and agreed upon by each of us
This service does not cover us managing guest communications nor are we managing your actual online profiles.
Billing in full in Advance
Disclaimer: Air Concierge, nor Ryan Danz does not and is not performing or providing real estate brokerage, legal or tax counsel to you. At no time shall any of its services be utilized to facilitate such undertakings. All risks associated with the property, including purchase, management, sale, reservations, third party vendors, tax, insurance, accounting and any other matter involving you and/or a property discussed by us are entirely at your sole discretion and risk.
The above analysis and examination involves a single property. In the event a property has not been identified, then the above scope and costs may adjust.
Further terms of use can be found here: